How to Cope up with loved one's Death

Hey guys, Are you feel strangled in memory of a loved one? Is it tough for you to come out of the death of someone special? Don't feel bad guys it's a normal yet very painful process which you would have to go through. Everyone has to bear the pain of a death in his/her life once. I can relate to you because I have lost my maternal grandmother lately. And still, I am not out of the grief of losing her. It is difficult to accept that the person who was talking and heartily laughing is no more existing around you. But honestly guys, we don't have other options than accepting it.  We are living, eating, laughing and doing all other things but still, we feel hollowness inside our hearts. We miss them every day and every second of our life. There are nights when they come in your dreams and we want to embrace them once. There are days when you want to feel them around. But neither you can hug them nor they can come back. This is what hurts you and you don't want to accept the reality. We have no way to bring them back in our empty lives. 

Death tortures you badly when you are confronting it for the first time in your life. But as you go through death for once in your life you learn a lot, you learn to accept things, you learn to cherish your relations, you learn to live your life with gratitude and finally, you become mature.

G.M Hopinks writes about a young girl Margaret in his poem Spring and Fall, who is crying over the sight of shedding leaves.

Margaret are you grieving
Over golden Groves unleaving,
Leaves are the things of man you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! as the heart grows older
 It will come such sight colder
By and By spare no sigh
Sorrow springs are the same
Nor mouth had no nor mind expressed
What heart heard of ghost guessed
It is the blight man was born for
It is Margaret you mourn for

  •  Try to accept the concept of death:

  Death is a universal phenomenon that is experienced by everyone on this earth once and while. The being who born on this earth has to die one day. There is no one on this earth who born a thousand years ago and living yet. It is a process of life, construction of new lives and destruction of old ones. There are always two sides of one coin, Birth and Death are the two sides of life. I know when you are extremely in pain of a loved one's death, these all sage statements are not so useful. You know all these things but when it comes to actually accept it, believe me, it is not that easy. But Death is a truth that you can't change. First, try to give some time to yourself and accept your sorrowful emotions. Then try to solace yourself with acceptance of this truth. Trust me gradually you will be out of it.

  •    Engage yourself in something productive:
   This is the best way to cope up with death. When you live at home alone, all-time thinking about the departed soul, you can't suppose to come out of the grief of his/her death. The best way is to go out and do something productive. you can make yourself busy with your job, you can join a Dance Academy or Yoga Classes to divert your mind. You can even read self-help books to get some help.

  •   Spirituality and Meditation
   Sometimes spirituality and meditation play an important role in our life to get some peace to our soul. You can join a spiritual club or a meditation class. There you will learn the art of living and some of the essential lessons of your life. Indian spirituality deals with death through greater ideas and concepts which can heal your wounds. Like if you ever get a chance to read Gita you will learn many concepts of life and death. It gives you insight into your life, and probably you will get your mysteries solved. Gita also tells you the vitality of meditation and it's methods. (I am looking forward to make blogs on every chapter of Gita.)

"You grieve for those that should not be grieved for"
"The wise grieve neither for the living nor the dead"
   "For the unreal has no being and the real never ceases to be"                                                               
 (Bhagavad Gita)

  •    Outlet your painful emotions:
   It's no harm to outlet your painful emotion. you must have to understand that every emotion has its importance. If you don't feel bad and shameful to express your happiness than why to feel bad while crying. Weeping is also a healthy emotion and often you will feel fresh after letting the tears flowing out. It's almost normal to cry in the remembrance of a loved one. For some days a person's memories will make you cry and you should cry. Otherwise, you will soon end up with depression or fatal disease. So, for human beings, it's all normal to cry.

  •   Make a Memorial:
   IF you want to do something for those who have gone. Try your best to do something which they wanted to do or wanted to get done after their death. Their wishes can be smaller to bigger but if you love them and willingly wanted to do something than don't think, and go for it. At least it will give you a feeling of satisfaction that you have done something in his/her memory.

  •   Don't have regrets:
   Often we have regrets for not being with the person who has died or feeling bad for your behavior towards them. Guys, it is normal to have regrets for many things in your life. And it's true that you can't go in the past to change things which were deteriorated. But the only option is to look forward. It's high time for us to learn that having a malicious feeling or having grudges with someone very close to you, will go away as soon as he/she leaves this world behind. So, it is important for you to spread the love around you and keep negative feelings aloof. My grandfather used to say that "Sometimes situations are wrong, not a person". Try to have a bigger heart and forgive others for their behavior and try to be compassionate with everyone in the world even if he/she is a stranger. I think in this way you can avoid having regrets in your life.

 I hope guys these thoughts of mine will give you aid to cope up with Death.


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