Are you angry? Try These Tips for Anger Management
you attracting problems in your life with your Anger? Do you feel ashamed of
your behavior when you get angry? Anger is one of the powerful emotions in
human life which can almost extract the consciousness of mind. It is easy to
fall prey to Anger but very difficult to handle the after-effects of it. Many
people have devastated their personal and professional life due to bad Anger
management. If you infrequently
get angry then it can be tagged as healthy emotion but if this happens
frequently almost everywhere and on everyone then it is a serious issue.
Bacon says in his essay "Of
Anger" Human beings have a natural inclination of Anger.
And we tend to get angry particularly on weaker sections like children, women,
old folks, sick folks, poor and deprived people. According to Bacon men should
be cautious when he is angry that he imparts no injury to him and others.
- Passive anger: When one doesn't express that he is angry because he/she wants no confrontation-that is called passive Anger. In the short term, it causes no harm to anyone but concealed for a long time can be dangerous for one's health
"If you are patient in the moment of Anger,
you will escape
a hundred days of sorrow"
Chinese proverb
- Active aggression: When someone instantly lashes out and causes verbal or physical harm to others and himself/herself- that is called active aggression. This comes out in the form of fighting, bullying, blackmailing, accusing, shouting, bickering, sarcasm, arguments, and criticism. This kind of aggression needs to get controlled.
- Assertive Anger: This is the best way to deal with an Anger simulated situation. When one is expected to growl but he/she keeps mum and behaves in a composed manner. If you deal with Anger assertively, it means you are mature and poised.
- Righteous Anger: It's the state when someone goes beyond the limitation to cause you harm or to irritate you. Imagine If your best friend, lies to you and you become furious that’s called righteous anger.
- Habitual Anger: When you have a habit of becoming angry often on everyone and everything for no justified reasons, mostly for vain reasons- that is called habitual Anger. Anger becomes a part of your day to day life and you start shouting on everyone without logic. For example, if your child jumps on the bed and you shout on him with Anger or if your wife forgets to iron your shirt and you start shaking your head with heat that is habitual Anger.
"If a small thing has the power to make you
angry, does that not indicate something about your size?"
J. Harris
see what research says about the fallouts of Anger:
On physical health:
- Anger is a form of natural human response which can influence and threaten health from psychosomatic to heart problems. (Pauls and Stemmler (2003) reported)
- Anger relates to heart activities. When a person gets angry, the heart activity escalates.
- If the Anger condition remains for a long period, and the person represses Anger, the glands will release an excessive amount of body chemicals and cause the feeling of unpleasant and hormonal imbalance.
- According to a study from Ohio State University, those who had less control over their Anger tended to heal more slowly from wounds.
- Anger can be more dangerous if you have diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, and cardiovascular issues.
social and personal life:
- Anger is a wrecker in your profession, you need to be very composed and tame if you want to be successful in any profession. If you get angry soon it gives a bad impression to your employer. And surely people will rate you down because of your poor temperament.
- Anger can destroy your relations. Your relationship with your parent, spouse, kids, friends, and collogues get affected by your cynical temperament.
- Anger can make you rated the low esteemed person in society. It can be harmful to your social status and people will start having the wrong impression of yours.
Management Tips:
1. Find out the reason of your Anger: Sometimes we are angry with someone or something else but we pore our soreness somewhere else. So first do some introspection and find out why are you so angry? Once you are clear with the reason of your resentment, you can now resolve it to some extent. Many a time our emotions are too intricate and inter-mixed that we feel baffled. And we end up getting angry with the wrong person for an unjust reason. So it is essential to know the exact reason behind your Anger.
1. Find out the reason of your Anger: Sometimes we are angry with someone or something else but we pore our soreness somewhere else. So first do some introspection and find out why are you so angry? Once you are clear with the reason of your resentment, you can now resolve it to some extent. Many a time our emotions are too intricate and inter-mixed that we feel baffled. And we end up getting angry with the wrong person for an unjust reason. So it is essential to know the exact reason behind your Anger.
2. Figure out the solution: Once you have figured out the
reason for your Anger, now try to find out what you can do about it. If
you find that someone is trying to irritate you then it is better not to
give him/her feeling of satisfaction by getting angry. Or if a certain
situation infuriates you then try to imagine yourself being composed in
such a situation, it will help you to be calm in the future.

3. Be bold to confront the offender: When you see someone unintentionally irritating you with his/her words or deeds, just go tell them politely that it hurts. If the other person is doing this unknowingly he/she will stop doing that. If he/she is intending to hurt you, it is time for you to get aside from that person. In case if that person is your close relative, you can minimize your contact with him/her until he/she stops irritating you. And please remember that:
" The Best Response is No Response"
"He who angers you conquers you"
4. Wait, tame, and answer: This is the best way to deal with an offensive remark. When someone says something wrong about you or try to belittle, now it is expected from you to get angry and snap out. Here you should be mature enough to handle this situation with judiciousness. you just wait for 10 counts and take time to get tamed and then answer them suitably. By doing this you will never regret for your angry behavior and the offender will get a suitable answer in a better way.

4. Wait, tame, and answer: This is the best way to deal with an offensive remark. When someone says something wrong about you or try to belittle, now it is expected from you to get angry and snap out. Here you should be mature enough to handle this situation with judiciousness. you just wait for 10 counts and take time to get tamed and then answer them suitably. By doing this you will never regret for your angry behavior and the offender will get a suitable answer in a better way.
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will
ever regret"
5. Do something you like: When something makes you angry you can do something to divert your attention. It will certainly give peace of mind. It can be anything like spending time in nature, going for a long walk, listening to your favorite music, gyming, workouts, etc. These activities will help you to detach from heated situation.
6. Practice meditation daily: Everyone should practice meditation daily. Meditation has something miraculous in it, which makes
you conscious of your emotions and surroundings. It makes you able to deal with problems of your life. Meditation tends to awake you
from the state of subconsciousness and uplift your living. So, Meditation plays a vital role in your anger management if you practice it for a long

7. Write a journal: We human beings have
inconstant instincts, often we feel that our emotions are erratic. Our mood
changes every day. Today we are feeling something queer, tomorrow we will
feel something totally different. For that reason, we need to track your
emotions by writing a journal daily. Writing a journal will give you a
clear impression of your emotions, which will help you to deal with them
8. Try to forgive and forget: Sometimes we find ourselves too
confined to answer an offense. In that situation, the only and the best option before us, is to forgive someone and forget something which has
caused you pain. Seminating the seeds of hatred will give you nothing but
costs much. When you conceal foul things in your heart it affects your
physical and mental health. So, try your best to forgive and forget in
order to get some peace for your wellbeing.
ventilated often hurries toward forgiveness,
and concealed often hardens into revenge."
and concealed often hardens into revenge."
Edward G Bulwer Lytton
in the heart sends smoke into the head. Anger makes you smaller,
while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are."
while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are."