How karma hits you back

Have you heard about the karma concept? if not then you must have suffered once in your life due to your bad doings or you must have earned fortunes due to your good doings. Yes, guys, this is karma. This is probably a universal truth that every action has its equivalent reaction. As far as human karma is concerned the reaction is ten times harsh than its action. Basically, karma is a Sanskrit word, these days very popular among the western world as well. In Indian religions, we have this belief that the intent and action of an individual influence the future of the individual in the current life. And it also affects the quality and nature of future lives of the individual. many Indian scriptures have scrutinized the effects of karma on human life. 

As a man himself sows, so he himself reaps; no man inherits the good or evil act of another man. The fruit is of the same quality as the action.—  Mahabharatxii.291.22

So before you plan to do something evil, wait for a few seconds and think that you will have to pay for your bad deeds in your future. I don't know who but honestly there is someone who watches over your karmas (actions). Trust me but you will have to pay back by any means. It can be in turn of the financial crisis, physical suffering, mental chaos or something that can give you fatal destruction. It is not only for evil-doers its is also for those suffers who bear the pain of something wrong done to them. you know guys many a time in our life we find ourselves to confined to answer a disgust done to us, because of many reasons. Many of us don't get access to justice or don't get justice equivalent to our suffering by law. Here karma plays his powerful role to take revenge from the evildoer. 

In the happy and youthful days of life, we usually give scorn to the karma. But trust me when you are suffering from something atrocious in your life your bad karma will start to hover on you. Then all bad doings and every single devilish thing, you have done, will come forth like a dreadful movie. I am not talking about the karma concept on the basis of the study of karma in Indian scriptures. But I have experienced it in my personal life. I have seen the bad word spoken to me went back to their owners.

So, Guys, there are some personal suggestions to you:
  • If you can't do something well for someone, please at least never try to harm anyone with your words or deeds. Because Karma never loses an address.
  • Don't criticize anyone for anything, it's their life let them do whatever they want.
  • If you want respect, love, and care, Do the same with others. Here "Others" doesn't mean elite human beings but poor, deprived classes and every single being on this earth(from ant to elephant)
  • Try to be in another beings situation. yes its the best way to avoid bad karma in your life. Before you do something bad just wait and think what if something like that is done to you. And try to see yourself and feel the emotions.
  • Don't get cursed. You must be thinking, I am sound like a religious preacher. No guys trust me when you do something bad to someone and the sigh of pain which comes from one's soul is more destructive than AK-47. Obviously an AK-47 will kill you on the spot but the blight that you have earned will kill you slowly but with intensity.
  • Forgive the person and his/her actions. Those who have hurt you will eventually screw up themselves. And guys turst me if you are fortunate enough God will let you watch.

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